Particulate Matter is a Common Issue for Homes and Businesses

Although it’s sometimes viewed as an outdoor problem, air pollution can be a serious hazard indoors as well. In fact, particulate matter is often found at significantly higher concentrations in Richmond, VA homes and businesses than in outdoor spaces. Fortunately, understanding this microscopic threat can help you safely and effectively manage it.

The Science of Particle Pollution

Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution, is a complex mixture of particles that can remain suspended in the air. It can be composed of many different substances with a wide range of sizes and properties. Coarse particles, such as dust and smoke, are sometimes visible to the unaided eye. Many others, however, are microscopic and virtually undetectable. They’re emitted by a multitude of sources, ranging from cooking stoves and office equipment to pets and dust mites.

Particulate Matter Is a Health Hazard

Since particulates remain suspended in the air, they can easily be inhaled when you breathe. Some are even small enough to penetrate deep into your lungs, where they can cause damage and enter your bloodstream. As a result, exposure to particulate matter is associated with many concerning health effects. Potential issues include worsening asthma and allergies, respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, cognitive impairment, and even premature death in vulnerable individuals. In a business setting, particle pollution can also be detrimental to employee wellness, attendance, and productivity.

Controlling Particulates in Your Indoor Space

While particle pollution is a serious and multifaceted threat, the good news is that it can be effectively mitigated. Whether in a home, office, or commercial space, an air cleaner system is an excellent first line of defense. High-efficiency air cleaners are certified to remove more than 99% of airborne particulates, creating a cleaner and safer indoor environment. Installing or upgrading ventilation equipment is another simple, cost-effective solution. Enhanced ventilation continuously renews your indoor space, using fresh outdoor air to flush out stale, particle-laden indoor air.

Homeowners and business owners across the Richmond, Virginia, area are beginning to recognize the important threat of particulate matter. For solutions that you can trust, call Classic Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning to explore our premium indoor air quality products.

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