Can ACs Help With Allergy Symptoms in Powhatan, VA?

Everything from blossoming plants to pet dander can trigger your allergies. Allergy symptoms make you feel miserable and can keep you from getting the sleep you need. Fortunately, you can alleviate many of your allergy symptoms by learning how your AC can help.

Humidity Levels

When the humidity is over 50%, the moisture in the air encourages dust mites and spores, which are allergy triggers. If the humidity level is below 50%, you’ll greatly reduce your allergy symptoms.

Turning on your AC system helps to lower the humidity level in your Powhatan, VA home. If that still leaves you feeling sticky and damp, we can install a whole-home dehumidifier.

Air Purification

Air purifiers neutralize airborne allergens in your Powhatan, VA home. Whole-home air cleaners are usually installed inside the ductwork. Using one along with your AC system is an excellent way to reduce the allergens that trigger your symptoms.

Change or Upgrade Your Air Filters

Your AC system’s air filter removes allergens from the air in your home. Once that air filter gets dirty, it can’t effectively remove pollutants from the air.

To keep allergens at a minimum, replace air filters regularly. You can also start using better-quality filters. A MERV13 filter can remove most indoor allergens from the air.

New AC Systems

A well-functioning AC system can reduce allergy symptoms, but an older, outdated model can do the opposite. When you install a new AC, you’ll likely enjoy greater energy efficiency and lowered humidity.

AC Maintenance

Regular AC maintenance is important, especially if you suffer from allergies. Your system needs to be functioning properly and be free of dust, dirt and contaminants to help reduce your allergy symptoms.

Don’t put up with allergy symptoms any longer. Your air conditioner can help. Call us at Classic Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning for AC maintenance to keep your cooling system in top condition.

Image provided by iStock

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