Benefits of Fall Furnace Maintenance in Henrico, VA

Once fall starts setting in for the year in Henrico, VA, it’s time to schedule professional maintenance for your furnace. There are several benefits to having this important service performed for you.

Longer Furnace Lifespan

Just like your car, your furnace needs regular maintenance to have a long lifespan. A neglected furnace will have much worse wear and tear, which decreases its lifespan.

Less Likelihood of a Breakdown

By having your furnace professionally maintained in the fall, it is less likely to need repairs in the winter. As part of this service, the technician will lubricate moving parts, tighten electric connections and otherwise make sure everything is in good working order.

Lower Energy Bills

A furnace that doesn’t have regular maintenance won’t operate nearly as efficiently as one that has. This results in lower monthly energy bills since it doesn’t need as much fuel to heat your home. Since dust and dirt decrease the efficiency of your furnace, the technician will clean critical components.

Helps Ensures Safety

The technician will make sure your furnace is safely operating after performing a tune-up. They will make sure the heat exchanger isn’t cracked, which could result in carbon monoxide leaking into your home. They’ll also inspect safety components to make sure they’re working correctly.

However, if the damage isn’t repairable, we can install a new furnace for you. We’re ready to do whatever it takes to get you ready for winter.

Maintain High Indoor Air Quality

The technician will inspect the air filter in your HVAC system and replace it if it’s dirty. The air filter traps dust, dirt, and other debris so that it doesn’t get blown into your home.

Stay warm this winter. You can rely on the professional technicians at Classic Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning in Henrico, VA to provide safe and reliable maintenance service for your furnace, so get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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