3 Causes of Poor Airflow in Henrico, VA

Poor airflow is a common problem in residential and commercial buildings in Henrico, VA. Major causes include inadequate ventilation, clogged air filters, and ductwork problems. Identifying and addressing these three causes is essential to improve your indoor air quality for optimal comfort and well-being.

1. Clogged or Damaged Ducts

After air passes through the filter, it travels through the ducts to distribute cold air to each room. Any dust the filter doesn’t capture is now present in the ductwork. Narrowing or obstructed ducts can reduce airflow.

Leaky air ducts may also result from punctures or structural damage, causing air to escape into the walls. Additionally, rodents or birds may have built nests in the ducts, particularly in older structures. Contact Classic Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning for AC repair services to eliminate obstructions and other problems causing poor airflow.

2. Outdated HVAC System

An effective HVAC system model involves more than just basic connections of ducts and wires. If you change the initial structure without considering the HVAC system, it’ll likely be obsolete. In addition to the physical components, it’s important to consider the thermostat and refrigerant levels.

Improper airflow can also result from an improperly sized HVAC system. Older equipment may be too big for the building, leading to inefficient operation and excessive humidity in the air. Consulting with a professional can help ensure that your HVAC unit and design are appropriate for your home or business.

3. Blocked Filter

HVAC filters remove dust and allergens from the air but can clog over time, reducing airflow and efficiency. If airflow decreases after changing the filter, check the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating to make sure it’s appropriate for your unit. If you are unsure which MERV rating suits your team, seek assistance from an HVAC technician.

Various factors, including dirty air filters, blocked ducts, and faulty AC systems, can cause poor airflow in your home. These issues can lead to decreased comfort, higher energy bills, and potential health hazards. Schedule regular AC maintenance with Classic Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning today to keep your cooling system working properly.

Image provided by iStock

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